Every class is working so hard and their brains are tired by the time we have finished class.
Hand chimes have been playing for Mass on Wednesdays and they are such a great group. They work well together and they help one another be the best possible.
I have introduced unpitched percussion instruments to the PK Classes. We play our instruments on certain words in the songs we sing or we play them instead of singing or saying certain words. They must use their ears, remember how to play their instrument correctly, and remember what word to listen for during the song. We also are learning what "Home Base" means. Home Base is putting your instrument on the floor and not playing until you are asked to get ready to play.
PreK is singing songs that are connected to fall. We are learning the song, "Ten Red Apples". It is helping us to count backwards from ten and recognize our numbers that are written on the apples. As we sing we put our apples in the basket.
First through Fourth graders are working on song that we will share during Mass. The children play one melody and rhythm while they sing something entirely different. Also the different voices of the instruments play their own part. Some parts blend and some are the same. Our glockenspiels play moving melodies and sometimes we are the little note all by itself at the end of a phrase. The basses have repeated patterns and they keep us together.
We are starting some Halloween songs with the PK and Kindergarten children. We use the instruments in those songs.
The children are learning that all of our music has patterns. If we miss a pattern it is really noticeable. they understand that they must repeat the pattern for the music to be done correctly. By adding our voices it helps us to play. We listen for certain words and that gives us clues that we are to change or come in. Music is a puzzle that fits together when done correctly and we are smoothing out the rough edges.
Our students are doing great work and they are a joy to teach.
Honor Choir is growing and the students work diligently to lead the student body during mass. This week at Mass (10-4-17) the choir will sing with the hand chimes during Communion.
It brings a smile to my heart when I hear all of them.