Friday, September 2, 2016

Love Our Music

Today during Mass our Hand Chime class shared music with the students.  They are doing great and work very well together.  We are working on more music to share with our school.

We are acting out stories in PK-2nd grades.  We are telling our own version of some well known fairy tales.  We have books that we are reading and singing.  In 2nd grade they have divided into groups and are going to share their book with the other students and sing their story.

We are working on a piece in the 3rd grades on our recorders.

Both 4th grades are going to start preparing pieces for Mass to share before Mass starts.  This will involve part singing and playing the instruments.  Mr. Power's 4th grade is joining the Honor Choir in sharing a Psalm that will be sung in a round accompanied by the Hand Chimes.

Students acting out "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Three Little Pigs".  Each character was accompanied on percussion instruments.