Monday, August 15, 2016

First Week

We have great actors and actresses in our Elementary classes.  We have started out the year by acting out fairy tales.  We are learning that they all have a moral to the story and we are deciding on what moral the story teller intended for them to learn.

We choose members of the class to be a character and then we choose someone to play the instrument for that character.  We think about the character and what instrument would be good to represent the character.  They have done really well.  They are thinking about the character and not just getting an instrument.

In 3rd and 4th grade we are beginning to work on our lines and spaces of the treble clef because that is what we use in recorders.

Deciding if they are lines or spaces.
Working on our lines and spaces.
We are having a great beginning.

The wolf knocking on the door!

Our first piggy instrument- giggle sticks!