Friday, January 27, 2017

Folk Dancing, Drawing, Reading Music Books, and Acting

Our PK - 2nd grade classes have been working on folk dancing while singing their accompaniment.  They must sing the words and know when to move during the song.  They find once they start singing, it helps them with the dance movement, and it all begins to fit together.  In many dances there are 4 parts with each part having different steps or movement.  So the dance is like a hymn with 4 verses and it all fits together.

Third and fourth grade have been playing games that involve learning about composers.  We are now in the process of making puzzle games that will have to match symbols, rhythms, and notes.  We are learning that not only do we have to know the notes but we must count the notes.  Music has math, Music has reading, Music has beauty!!!!💖  

Today one of the PK classes acted out The Mitten.  Fun was had by all.  It takes working together and respecting each other which supports our Catholic Social Teachings of Life and Dignity of the Human Person, Call to Family, Community, and Participation, and Rights and Responsibilities.

I had my music classes say what music meant to them and illustrate it.  Some of the classes drew our music classroom.  They are all pretty cute and in our hall.  Looks like I wallpapered my part of the building with drawings.

One of our Music Games that we play which helps
us learn the names of the lines and spaces of the
Treble Clef.